Friday, February 17, 2017

Walking by Faith

2 Corinth 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

“Seeing is believing” is often said among those who are skeptical of things happening that are unnatural. I sometime find myself in that camp when it comes to the supernatural, and unexplained healing. Yes, I believe God is able and can do things that are unbelievable, but my practical mine often wonders at the methods I see others using to bring about miraculous healing. To me living by faith, it not necessary having faith to heal and restore everything that is wrong. To me, faith is believing in God to do what is good and right regardless of what I think should be the outcome. Sometimes He chosen to heal that baby who is struggling to stay alive, other times He choose to take the baby. Faith in God is not seeing God heal that baby, and yet believing He is God and knows what is best. For God is good and will work all things out for His pleasure. Walking by faith is to know that God is in control of my life and in control of the circumstances that surround me. Even when I look to the left and to the right and do not see Him, I still believe that He is there and will guide my every step. 

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