Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Passover

Exodus 12: 1-14

Special Day

  • Days to Celebrate- Spiritual celebrations
  • Abib-the corn appears- Fruit of God’s Deliverance

Selection of the Lamb

  • One lamb per household of at least 10 people
  • Without Blemish- Perfect- no defects or deformities
  • Male and Firstborn- firstborn of the begotten
  • Innocent and faultless

Slaughter of the Lamb

  • No bone are broken
  • The Blood is the life- Christ gave His life

Sprinkling of the Blood

  • The blood is applied to the door- Under the blood

Serving of the Lamb

  • Eating of the flesh- partaker of His flesh- symbolic
  • Food to strengthen for the travel ahead- Need his strength
  • Roasting the lamb- Symbolic of suffering- born not broken
  • Unleavened bread- separation from sin- particular people
  • Bitter herbs- remind them of the bitterness of sin
  • Eat with lions gridded about- Prepare for service and journey

Smiting of the Firstborn

  • God ordained
  • Stand still and see God work- Let God be God
  • God will have the last word-
  • Intolerance of other Gods- He alone is God, There is no other

Saved by the Blood of the Lamb

  • The blood of Christ is applied to the door post of our hearts
  • It was the blood that saved the Hebrew- It is the blood that will save us.
  • Man is lost in sin and the blood must be applied for redemption
  • Christ our Passover- making atonement for our sins
  • Calvary is the turning point for new life.
  • It was at Calvary where I found forgiveness and purpose in life

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