Sunday, December 28, 2008

Eternal Bliss

Rev. 22: 1-5, 12-17

O’ what a day that will be when my Savior I shall see. O’ what glory and wonder when we enter into the eternal bliss of God’s eternal abode. Christ the light of heaven is also the light of the world willing that all should be led out of darkness. The invitation is given to all who are willing to take of the water of life, keep His commandments, and adorn, themselves in the wedding garment of God’s purity. A bride prepared to receive her groom. Let us all heed the invitation, and come to the Savior entering in to His eternal bliss.

Source of Life - proceeding out of the throne of God
• Internal dwelling place of heaven
• Water- He that is thirsty…
• He will never thirst again- life’s eternal satisfaction
Side of the River – Side of the river…
• As it was in the Garden of Eden
• The tree of life-species of twelve manner of fruits
• Eternal substance
Servants of God – His servants shall serve Him
• The perfection of worship is service
• Perfect consecration- Imperfection removed
• Will it be possible to sin? No. There will no sin
Shadows and Darkness Gone – No night there
• The city of God will be void of darkness
• Christ will be the light of this city
• The earth will still have seasons
Start to Finish – I am Alpha and Omega
• He was there with God – Elohim- Let Us…
• He will be there when it is all finished- Plan of Salvation
Sin is Forbidden – For without …
• Anyone who lives a lie will not be able to enter in
• Only they that do His Commandment
• Those who have washed their robes
Star of the Morning – Jesus…The bright and morning star
• Jesus sent His angels- ambassadors for Christ
• Morning star to lead His people out of darkness
Spirit Says Come - Spirit and bride say, Come.
• The redeemed of the Lord say Come
• We are to be ambassadors for Christ
• He that wanting peace, relationship, forgiveness. Come
• God is not partial. Whosoever- surely means me, and you!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Son of the Highest

Luke 1:26-35

In due time God sent His son into the world to save the world from sin. The mission of Christ was to take on the flesh of Man and show His love by giving His life for all humanity. His name speaks of His mission. Jehovah salvation, Emmanuel, God is with us. Jesus, The reason we share and show love and good cheer to all mankind. May the birth of Christ be the focus of our celebration during every Christmas holiday.

Angel Sent From God - Gabriel was sent from God

  • God’s timing- God who at sundry times…
  • To the City of Nazareth

Appeared to Mary – And the angel came in unto her

  • Anticipation of all Jewish women-
  • Chosen of God- God has a plan for all.
  • Favored, not worshiped. Only God can answer prayer

Astounding Announcement – Shall conceived a son

  • You are special to God
  • Immaculate conception
  • A name above all other names- Jehovah is salvation

Afraid and Fearful – She was troubled

  • Such visitations did not occur in those day
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Confused by the angels words

Apprehension of Mary – How shall this thing be?

  • Inquiry more than doubting.
  • Reputation and Image- What will others think?

Answers From the Angels – And the angel answered

  • This Child is not born of Man
  • The Father is this child will be the Holy Ghost
  • Both God and Man – The Son of God made flesh.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Heaven and New Earth

Revelation 20:7-15

The world as we know it will someday changed. All things will pass away and behold all things will become new. It will be a transformation. The earth will undergo a new birth. It must be born again. It will be purged and made fit as a tabernacle for God and His people. There will be no sin there. For all sin has been eradicated and cast into the lake of fire.

Destruction of the old Earth - the first earth passed away
• Destroyed by fire
• Renovated to be something else
• No more sea- He is the water of life
• Will there be a sun- Will he be the light of the world
Descending of New Jerusalem – New Jerusalem coming down
• A new city coming down from heaven
• What is this city made of?
Dwelling Place of God – Behold the tabernacle of God
• He desires to tabernacle with us
• Abiding in Him- We are the property of God
Death and Sorrow Are Gone – there shall be no more death
• There will be no reason to be sad, sorrow, or pain
• Memory wiped out- former things pass away
• There is no illness, aging, accidents to cause death
Deity of Christ – Sat upon the throne
• The creator- All things were created by Him
• He is the Word- True and faithful
• He is alpha and Omega. Was, Is, and ever will be
Drinking from the Fountain – the fountain of the water of life
• It is done- complete salvation
• He has promise to them that desire drink- water
• This salvation is free to us. No money can buy it
Death of the Wicked- Which is the second death
• Fearful- They that fear the judgment
• Unbelieving- In the only begotten Son of God
• Abominable- Sins that go beyond understanding- perverted
• Murderers- Acts of hatred- bitterness
• Whoremongers- Immorality- fornicators-
• Sorcerers- Evil spirits, Powers from Satan
• Idolaters-Anything that you put before God
• Liars- Black lies, White lies, dishonesty
• All will be cast into the hot fires of Hell never to live again.