Sunday, July 20, 2008

Call To Service

Isaiah 6:1-13

Before Isaiah saw the Lord, he was a man who proclaimed the Word of the Lord without any love or mercy. His true calling was given to him when he realized his own sinfulness and lack of personal holiness. Our effectiveness to be used of God is not realized until we totally abandoned ourselves to God and serve with pure motives and compassion.
Clear Vision
• The death of the king- hindrances
• God, and God alone
Cry of the Seraphims
• Angels fire and charity
• Focus on Divinity- Holy, Holy
Conviction of Isaiah
• Isaiah’s sin is revealed
• His cry of confession
• There is none righteous, no not one.
Coal of Fire
• Fire- Symbolic of purification
• He will baptize you with fire
• Cloven tongues of fire
Cleansing of Heart
• Iniquity is taken away
• Isaiah’s SIN is purged
Call To Service
• Listening for the call
• The need for laborers- fields ready for harvest
• What is your calling- Are you a worker?
• Willingness to be used- available to God
Condition of the People
• Like Pharaoh-There heart will be harden
• It is our duty to obey regardless of response
Captivity of Israel
• Occupy- fulfill the call until His judgment
• Don’t be discourage- There will be a remnant.
• Noah & family, Abraham’s less than ten
• Narrow is the way, few be there that find it

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