Sunday, April 20, 2008

As Sons of God

April 20th, 2008
Galatians 4:1-16
Paul is totally amazed that the Galatians could be so easily removed from the message that he first preached. Paul begins his apologetic letter by setting forth truth in a way that is logical. He speaks to the intellect and the free spirit of the Galatians. Answer the simple question, “Do you want to be free to serve God as a son, or do you want remind in bondage to the law as a servant?” Any logical thinking person would not have think twice.

Child in Tutorage
• Analogy used by Paul
• Until the fullness of time, or come of age
Constraints of the Law
• The Jews were heirs, but under constraints
• The law taught that they were sinners in need of a Savior
Coming of the Son
• The appointed time- Conditions ripe
• Born to fulfill the law by coming under the law
Captive Set Free
• Set free and redeem man from the penalty of the law
• We our now true sons of God, not by the law, but by Christ
Crying, Abba, Father
• Personal relationship-
• With respect, we call Him “Daddy”
• We now live free to do His will- We desire nothing more
Changed to a Son
• From a servant to heir
• The Spirit of Christ now rule the heart
Conditions of Bondage
• Returning back to bondage
• Weak and beggarly elements
• Legalism- law without love
Christ Received
• Paul’s fear of vain labors
• Paul’s sacrifice to share Christ
• Convince of Paul’s authenticity
Conviction of Heart
• Turn against those who tell you the truth
• A friend speaks the truth in love
• What is our reaction when God reveals truth?

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