Saturday, April 26, 2008

Walking in the Spirit

Galatians 5:13-26
April 27th, 2008
There are many scriptures in God’s word that speak of a definite second work of God’s grace. The experience of the in-filling of the Holy Spirit, or “thee sanctification” is clearly taught in the scriptures. Paul does not mention in this book of any second filling of God’s Spirit, but Paul was concern that the Galatians were not allowing the Spirit to led them to a life of complete surrender to God. He sets the standard for Christian living, and insisted that the Holy Spirit is the only one that can bring them to the place of full deliverance and complete consecration to God. The Spirit leads Christian to the realization that Christ not only died for the sins that have been committed, but to knowledge that the nature of sin must be crucified. This is done as we walk in Spirit and come to the truth of full surrender to the complete will of God.

Liberty in Christ
• Set free from the law
• Freedom from bondage of sin
• Freedom with responsibility
Love and Serve
• Love trumps liberty
• Greatest commandment
• What does it mean to love self?
• Serving- doing for others
Lust of the Flesh
• The line between the carnal & human
• The war between the Flesh & Spirit
• Manifestation of the Flesh
• Sinning religion- “shall not inherit the kingdom”
Led by the Spirit
• Walk in the Light (Christ)
• Let us go on unto perfection
• Follow peace and holiness
• Failure to walk in the Spirit results in backsliding
Living in the Spirit
• Demonstrated by the fruit we bare
• They that belong to Christ will not fulfill the flesh
• How do we live in the Spirit?
Letting go of Self
• The flesh has to be put to death- “death route”
• Entire Sanctification is completed when Self is surrender to God
• It is not about me (vain glory), but about Christ

Sunday, April 20, 2008

As Sons of God

April 20th, 2008
Galatians 4:1-16
Paul is totally amazed that the Galatians could be so easily removed from the message that he first preached. Paul begins his apologetic letter by setting forth truth in a way that is logical. He speaks to the intellect and the free spirit of the Galatians. Answer the simple question, “Do you want to be free to serve God as a son, or do you want remind in bondage to the law as a servant?” Any logical thinking person would not have think twice.

Child in Tutorage
• Analogy used by Paul
• Until the fullness of time, or come of age
Constraints of the Law
• The Jews were heirs, but under constraints
• The law taught that they were sinners in need of a Savior
Coming of the Son
• The appointed time- Conditions ripe
• Born to fulfill the law by coming under the law
Captive Set Free
• Set free and redeem man from the penalty of the law
• We our now true sons of God, not by the law, but by Christ
Crying, Abba, Father
• Personal relationship-
• With respect, we call Him “Daddy”
• We now live free to do His will- We desire nothing more
Changed to a Son
• From a servant to heir
• The Spirit of Christ now rule the heart
Conditions of Bondage
• Returning back to bondage
• Weak and beggarly elements
• Legalism- law without love
Christ Received
• Paul’s fear of vain labors
• Paul’s sacrifice to share Christ
• Convince of Paul’s authenticity
Conviction of Heart
• Turn against those who tell you the truth
• A friend speaks the truth in love
• What is our reaction when God reveals truth?

Justified By Faith

April, 13th, 2008
Galatians 3:1-14
Paul writing to the Galatians was totally bewildered how quickly they had been fooled. They were being taught that staying saved and being made perfect was done by keeping the law. He eloquently revealed to them through scripture, that faith in God’s promise (Christ) was the only way. It was the Spirit that begun the work and it is the Spirit that will bring it to perfection. We our not made perfect or more spiritual by keeping rules, it is our faith in God’s Spirit through Christ to bring us unto perfection and perfect obedience.

Bewitched and Fooled
• Galatians- Intellectual minds being fooled
• Obedience to the truth neglected
• Crucified with Christ- dead to the law
Brought to Question
• Persuaded by logic
• Where did this experience come from?
• Reflect back to day you got saved?
Begun in the Spirit
• The Work of the Spirit
• Receiving the Spirit in Salvation
Being Made Perfect
• Made perfect by faith or works (outward rules)
• Perfection is obtain through faith
Building in Vain
• All of their efforts of the past are for not
• Casting away that which they suffered for.
Believing God as Abraham
• The promise was give to Abraham before the law
• Abraham’s trust was in God, not a set of rules
Blessed with Abraham
• The Blessing (the promise) of Abraham to the Gentiles
• Heir of Abraham because of our faith in God promises
• The father of the faithful to all who believe.
• The promise of the Spirit only through faith
• Argument: The SEED is Christ, all nations are blessed
Book of Laws
• Was establish to show how sinful we are
• The is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ
• The Law requires payment and justice
• All have sinned (our cursed) and come short
Bought with a Price
• Christ took on the curse (the judgment-payment) for us
• We our redeemed through his death on the cross
• Atonement was made- Christ fulfill the law’s requirements

The Gospel Truth

April 6th, 2008
Galatians 1: 1-12
In a world where there are many religions and persuasions, people are faced with decisions that will affect them for eternity. The teaching that there are many ways to God is unequivocally false base on God’s Word. There are many who follow false teachers who seem to be sincere and caring, but the Word is clear on truth, Christ came to die and deliver man from sin. Any teaching that strays from this focus is missing the mark. He is the way, the truth, and life. No man comes to Father, except through Christ. Bid no other, God’s Blessings. Christians are to be intolerant of false teaching. God’s Word allows for no other alternative.

Appointed by God
• The replacement of Judas
• Do you have to be ordained by the church to preach?
• The Calling of God is personal
• Establishing his authority
Association with the Brethren
• Not alone in the battle for truth
• Recognized Galatians as brethren
Absolute Gospel
• Christ died for our sins- He is the way- Took our place
• Truth to deliver from evil- overcome Satan
• Live a life of Holiness in this present world
• Sovereignty of God- He is in control
Another Gospel
• Infiltration of false teacher
• Perverting the gospel of Christ
Angelic Persuasion
• Angel of light- new revelation contrary to truth
• Not to be persuaded by sincerity or charismatic persona
Accursed to God’s Judgment
• Damned to an ill fate- prophetic consequence
Agreeable to Men or God
• Desire to please others
• Priority to please God no matter the fallout
Acclamation of the Revelation
• The certainty of knowing
• Not taught of men
• Receive by Christ Himself

Boaz Marries Ruth

March 30th, 2008
Ruth 4:1-17
The union of Boaz and Ruth is not only the consummation of true devotion and love, but also, that of biblical prophecy. The blessing of Jacob to Judah “The scepter shall not depart form Judah” is in part, fulfilled in this love story found in the book of Ruth. The story of Boaz, Ruth, and Naomi is a perfect type of the love of Christ to sinners and to those who are called by His Name. Christ takes those who are outside the fold of God’s family and adopts them as His own through love and redemption of the cross. He restores all who return back to the fold and embraces them with His love and blessings. It is His desire that we surrender all to Him to be a partaker of His inheritance.

Agreement Reached
• Boaz follows through on his Promise
• God always keeps his promise
• Willingness to put aside his own inheritance
Attesting to the Transaction
• In the presences of witnesses
• Following the laws of the Land
Affirmation of Others
• The Blessing of others
• Ruth named among the linage of David
• Boaz to be rewarded- Christ is exalted
Affection for Ruth
• Ruth Became the wife of Boaz
• God Blessed their union- A son is given
Attribute Praise
• Praise and thanksgiving to God
• The Goodness of God
Absolve of the Past
• The restoration of Naomi Life of Bitterness has become sweet
• Her past is behind, she now can look foward
Athrill and Overjoyed
• The child became hers to nurse
• Joy comes in the morning- It will come
A Name is given
• Obed, father of Jesse, the father King David
• The scepter shall not depart from Judah