Saturday, February 23, 2008

Micah's idols

Judges 17:1-10
February 24, 2008

The story of Micah and his idols occurred shortly after the death of Joshua and the conquest of the Canaan land. The Israelites had already started drifting away from the laws of God. Everyone was a law unto himself, doing that which was convenient and self-serving. Micah and his mother no doubt had been brought up under the spiritual enlightenment of the OT law, but rationalize the acceptance of idols in their worship to God. May we be careful that the worldly culture of our day not be a substitute for the true worship of God.

Missing Money- (vs.2 “silver that was taken from thee”)
• She cursed the person who took it
• Stealing from your own family
• Greed and selfish desires is the root- love of money
Micah confession- (vs.2 “I took it”)
• Fear of the curse brought concern
• Confession was contrived for his benefit.
• The importance of true confession
Mother’s Spiritual Confusion- (dedicated unto the Lord and idols)
• Religious syncretism- mixing of different beliefs
• There is only one way to heaven, only one God
• James- from the mouth- cursing and blessings?
• The folly of the New Age movement, yoga, ect…
Molten Images- (made graven and molten images)
• Thou shall not have any image before me
• The Lord forbad the use of images as object of worship
• Fashion after the “House of God” – mimic- look-alike
• There is more to the book than the cover.
Man’s Own Eyes- (vs.6 “every man did that which was right”)
• Relativism ruled the day- Truth is relative
• Absolute truth is too restrictive to a heart not submitted to God
Matter of Character (vs.10 a sojourner to be a father and priest)
• The priest had no moral scruples
• Micah disregarded any background check of this Levite
• The importance of integrity and moral character in leadership
Moving in as Priest –(vs.12 lived in the house of Micah)
• Micah’s main concern was that he looked good
• Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the inside (motive)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Fall of Samson

Judges 16:13-21
February 10th, 2008
God had a divine purpose for the life of Samson. He was brought up in a godly home with parents that desired to serve God. But sin draws out the carnal sinful nature of man to seek pleasure and selfish satisfaction. Man is drawn away from his own lust and is enticed to fulfill lustful desires. When yielding, he falls from God’s grace and is left empty. Dealing with the nature of sin is the first step in overcoming temptation to sin. Trusting God and calling upon the blood of Christ for deliverances will bring the ultimate victory over sin.
Fraternizing with the Enemy (He wanted a Philistine women)
• Disregard of parent’s advise
• Intermarry/relationships with heathen-Yoking with the world
Forbidden Passions (No regard for others, only what he wanted)
• His un-holy desires
• The lust of the world
• Control of passion- Sanctified our desires
Flirting with Sin (He kept going back to Dililah)
• Lingering around temptation
• Living on the edge of sin
• The danger of playing around with sin. FLEE!
Forsook His Vows (He gave his secret away)
• Some things are just between you and God
• Samson caved under the pressure
Foolish Love (Dililah tested Samson’s Love)
• Money was Dililah’s true love
• Satan paints a pretty picture
• Enslaved by our own passion
False Assumptions (“I will go out as other times”)
• The straw that broke the camels back
• Samson’s Hair – Symbolism of God’s strength
• In weakness (hair=shame, humility), we our made strong
• State of deception- Salvation is only of the Lord
• How do we know that we our not deceiving ourselves?
Forsaken of God (God had departed from him)
• Greatest tragedy in life is to wake up and find that God is gone
• He will not forsake His own- We forsake Him first
Fetters of bondage (They bound him with fetters of brass)
• Sin’s Chains cannot be broken without God
• Blindness- Light turned to darkness
• The hopelessness of Samson’s life without God

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Nazarite From Birth

Judges 13:2-6, 11-14, 24,25
February 3rd, 2008

Samson was born in a day when the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. The pleading of the remnant that still desired to worship the true God was heard from the portal of heaven’s door. God sent His angel to comfort and reassure these remaining few that God was still in control and a deliverer was forthcoming. From the womb of the barren, God brought forth Samson to Manoah and his wife. It was their charge to train this child in the way he should go. Even though Samson fell, he never was able to get away from the seeds that were planted in his heart as a child.

Barren and Childless (vs. 2. His wife was barren)
• The approach of being childless-Bible times
• God hears the plight of Manoah wife
• God sends comfort and reassurance
Beware of Strong Drink (vs. 4. Beware…drink not)
• Wine or strong drinks were prohibited- Biblical principle
• Eating thinks that are unclean- Law of Moses
Born a Nazarite (vs. 5. Shall be a Nazarite unto God.)
• Sacred vow of separation- vine tree, no razor, no dead body
• The cost of discipleship of the believer
o Sacrifice- not just sinful pleasures, but legit pleasures
o Shame- Willing to bare the reproach- pride gone
o Separation- Being dead to the world-avoid it (sin)
Bring Up A Child (vs. 12. How shall we order the child)
• The importance of training- It will not depart
• Love God, love mercy (man), walk humbly (righteous living)
Blessed of the Lord (vs. 24. The Lord blessed him)
• The Lord had a purpose for Samson
• Stayed true to his vow
Being Moved by His Spirit (vs. 25. The Spirit…began to move him)
• What does it mean to be moved by the Spirit?
• His moves will be consistent with God’s Word
• His moving is not always demonstrative
• When was the last time His Spirit moved in your heart?
• Are you sensitive to His Spirit- His prompting and checks?