Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Lord is Gracious

Psalm 145: 1-10, 14-21
Nov. 18th, 2007

Where are the praises of men? Americans takes one day out the year to give thanks for their many blessings. But, for a true believer in Christ, praise and thanksgiving is a natural occurrence that is expressed everyday of the year. We serve a great and mighty God who through Christ has given us a great salvation. Praise should come natural for the Christian, it should always be on the “tip of our tongue” ready to speak and express our love and gratitude toward a loving and merciful God.

Exalt Highly His Name
(vs1. I will extol thee)
• No other name under heaven
• Priorities shows what you extol
• If I be lifted up…
Everyday Praise (vs2. Everyday will I bless thee)
• This is the day that the Lord has made
• Consistent praise. Good days, bad days
Enormity of God (vs3. Great is the Lord)
• How great is our God!
• We serve a mighty God
Express his Majesty (vs.5, 21. I will speak; my mouth shall speak)
• Our lives speak volumes
• Speaking- communicating to others
• Let everything that has breath!
Empathy of a Loving God (vs8. Full of compassion)
• He is gracious and good- Every good thing is from Him
• He loves us and is patient with us
Eyes Focused on God (vs.15. The eyes of all who wait)
• Keeping our focus on Him and not our circumstances
Ear of God is Listening (vs19. He also will hear their cry)
• He listens to those who fear Him
• He will draw nigh to them, who draw nigh to Him
Elimination of the Wicked (vs.20 The wicked will He destroy)
• Judgment to those who seek self and love self
Everlasting Praise (vs.21 Bless His Holy name for ever and ever)
• The Rocks will cry out if the flesh does not
• Eternity in Heaven- Praise will not cease

Walking in Truth

2 John 1-11
November 11th, 2007
Through out the writings of John, he is adamant about knowing Christ, believing in Christ, and loving as Christ loved. In this letter written to a family household that welcomed believer, he admonitions them to continue to show the spirit of Christ by loving one another, but he also warns them of the danger of those who are bend on twisting the truth and deceiving others about Christ and His reason for coming. We need to be always on guard that we do not find ourselves being deceived and associating, or (sanctioning) with those who spread false doctrine concerning Christ.

Salutations to the Lady (vs1 unto the elect lady)
• The Lady Kuria and her children
• Greetings, in the name of Christ (Truth)
• Grace- divine favor, Mercy-God’s pardon, Peace-tranquility
Sincerity of the Children (vs4 children walking in truth)
• Children following truth
• The battle for our children
• #1 priority- Saving of our children
Shouts of rejoicing (vs4 I rejoice greatly)
• Joy in the Camp- Angels rejoice
• Something to praise God for
Standard of True Christianity (vs5 that we love...)
• The mark of a true Christian
• The Commandment- To love
• Keep His commandment-Love God, love others
Spiritual Deception (vs7 for many deceivers...)
• Be aware of those in sheep clothing
• Deny the Deity of Christ (the God-Man)
• Hold on to essential truth. Which is?
Separation from Antichrist (vs10 receive him not)
• Opposed to Christ
• Those who do not abide in Christ
• Question? Is everything secular, antichrist?
Sending off False Teachings (vs11 neither bid him God speed)
• Manifest Christ- Be kind, but hold to truth
• Speak out- (rebuke) against false teaching
• Associate yourself with truth
• Accomplice to False Doctrine

Life in the Son

1 John 5:10-21
Nov. 4th, 2007

We live in a day where the world does not accept anything as absolute truth, unless it is their truth. All things are relative to what is perceived in each individual. “What is truth to you is not truth to me” Where this may be the case in some arenas of living, it is not the case when it comes to Christ and the purpose of His coming. In this, Christians are intolerant. There is no other argument there is no other truth. Jesus said, “I am the truth, life and the way.” No man comes to God except through Him. The sin unto death is to reject this truth and worship other idols.
Believing in Christ (v10. He that believeth..)

• What is the witness?
• Who is the liar? God or Man?
• God’s record is true- He does not lie.
Because He Live (v11. God has given us..)
• The record came down to earth to give His life
• We now have a claim on eternal life because of Him
Bearer of Christ (v12. He that hath the Son..)
• If we have Christ, then we have this life
• If we do not bear Christ in our life, then we don’t have life
• The purpose of the record was to establish credence (knowing)
Beseeching Christ (v14. If we ask..)
• Therefore we have confidence in Him
• Ask anything according to His Will
• Jesus said, Ask, and ye shall receive.)
Brother found in sin (v16 If any man see his brother)
• The spirit of restoration
• What is the sin unto death? Rejection of Christ
Born of God (v18 Whosoever is born of God)
• Evidence of being born of God
• Abstaining from sin is not salvation
• Salvation is an experience, not an intellectual acceptance
Begotten of God (v18 begotten of God)
• Abiding in Christ will separate you from the world
• We know have spiritual understanding
Beloved only to Christ (v 21 keep yourself from idols)
• Who do we idolize- admire, esteem?
• Spiritual idolatry is putting Christ in 2nd place
• Christ must be 1st in everything we do.