Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rejecting The Truth

Mark 6: 1-13
The light of God’s truth penetrates the darkness to every man. Revealing to man that without God, life is meaningless and hopeless. What is God’s truth? What happens when we refuse to heed what God is telling us? For every action, there is a reaction. The consequences of rejecting the truth that God reveals to us are irreparable if we fail to ultimately walk in the light that He sheds on our path. The Bible is God’s word given to us for our day. It reveals to us how to obtain eternal life, how we should live and act in all manner of conversation. The words of Jesus speak powerfully to the need of man’s heart, and to the life of love and forgiveness that should be demonstrated to mankind. Failing to follow these truths will result in a life most miserable, and end with the eternal consequences of death. What are we doing with the Truth that Jesus has given to us?
Arms reaching out to His own (vs. 1)
• Reaching out to family and friends
• Reaching out to the world
Amazed by His teachings (vs. 2)
• He spoke with authority
• They questioned His miracles
Affronted by His words (vs. 3)
• Questioned His origin
• There hearts were convicted by the truth
• Ashamed to be identified with the Truth (Jesus)
Abased by His own (vs. 4)
• He was not honored by them
• They were humility by Him
• They belittle Him
Astonished by their unbelief (vs. 6)
• He was amazed by their rejection
• “Shook His head in shock and surprise”
Accepting truth (vs. 10, 13)
• Let it abide in your “home”
• Proclaim it to others
• The miracle of a clean heart
• Let God put the broken pieces back together- Healing power
Anathema to truth rejecters (vs. 11)
• Refuse to repent
• The judgment liken unto Sodom
• The Judgment of God is final
• Divine retribution

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Wisdom of Jesus

Mark 4:21-34

The words of Christ are not hard to understand. He speaks with simplicity and clarity. It is His desire for all to come to the knowledge of His truth. The way of salvation is not complex and difficult to comprehend, a fool need not error or be detoured from grasping and obtaining its meaning. The wisdom of His words spoke not only to the minds of men and women, but it reached into the heart and soul of all who heard Him speak. The heart would either reject or receive His words. To the Scribes and Pharisee His word brought conviction and revealed their hypocrisy, to the sinner it brought hope and forgiveness. The wisdom of Christ astonished all who heard, for no man spoke with such authority and wisdom. Let him, who has an ear, hear and do what the Master says to do. For those, who hear and do it is given to them to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

Speaking in Parables (vs. 33, 34)
• Making connections/past experiences
• Comparing nature to spiritual insight
Shining as a Candle (vs. 21, 22)
• The truth is for all to have and receive
• Our own lights needs to be out in the open
Seriousness of the Word (vs. 24)
• What are we doing with the Word?
• We will be accountable for the light God gives us
Sowing the Seed (vs. 26)
• The Sower, the Holy Spirit and human vessels
• The Seed: The Word of God- His truth
Spring up from the Soil (vs.27)
• The Soil: the heart of Man- condition of the soil
• Good soil- will bring forth new life- All things pass away
Shooting up of Branches/Leaves (vs. 32)
• Healthy growth of life in Christ
• Establish and rooted in the Word of God
Sickling of the Harvest (vs. 29)
• Our lives will bare the fruit of His Spirit
• It will be used to nourished the world
• The fruit of our labors- Bring in God’s harvest
Shadow of Protection (vs. 32)
• Refuges in God’s Sanctuary- The Church should be a place to find shelter from the world.
• Standing strong- Those that are spiritual help those …

A Friend of Jesus

Mark 2: 13-22

What is a friend?
It has been said that a friend is someone who accepts you for who you are unconditionally. They see and know your faults, failures, and shortcomings and still will keep their heart open and listen to your heart as you cry out. Jesus loves unconditionally. Sin has taken man to the depth of depravity yet Christ still reaches down to lift them out. His love crosses social barriers and will be a friend to anyone who will come unto Him. His friendship exceeds that of any human. He is a friend that will not leave you or forsake you. Christ died for our sins and is forever reaching out with His forgiveness. He loves and cares too much for our souls to leave us without hope. His friendship entreats us to follow Him and accept Him as our friend and Savior.

A Friend to the Multitude
(multitude resorted unto him)
• Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem!
• Whosoever will
• Compassion for a lost world
A Friend to the Despised (the Levi)
• Those hated by others
• Unpopular
• He passed by their way
A Friend to the Sinner (sat with sinners)
• The undeserved
• The blood has gone deeper than the stain of sin
• The confessor- Have mercy on me
A Friend to the Sick (but they that are sick)
• Sick in soul- those who’s hearts are diseased
• In affliction, He is near
A Friend to the Unrighteous (came not to call the righteous)
• Through Christ we are made right
• We are has filthy rage in His sight
• Our heart is made right by the light
A Friend to His Disciples ((they cannot fast)
• He knows what we can bear- They are not ready to fast
• Intimate communion with God- We can enter sacred dwelling place of God- Drawing close to the Jesus and He will bring you into His arms.
• What a friend we have in Jesus- He’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Christ is Risen

Mark 16:1-14
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the matrix of Christianity. It is the pivotal truth and anchor of our faith that makes Christianity more than just another religion conjured by man. It is not a religion of man, but a relationship initiated by God who rules and reigns in the pass, present, and future. The certainty of this truth is express by the Apostle Paul when he says, “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain”
The gospel accounts of the resurrection of Christ vary slightly in detail and sequence, but such difference does not dimension the validity of the truth. The account given to us by Mark is focused around the women that went to the sepulcher to anoint the body of Jesus, and a summary of other disciples that saw Him. The scripture lesson ends with a rebuke by Jesus for their unbelief in not believe those that saw Him first.

First Day of the Week (early in the morning…)
• The Christian Sabbath
• The sorrow and grief of death
Fortify with a Stone (…the stone from the door)
• The hindrances we face
• Continue to do what is right
Frighten by Angels (they were affrighted)
• One angel or two angels?
• Startled by the unexpected
• Fear is dispelled with astonishment
Foretelling of Christ (there shall ye see Him)
• He is not here- this was foretold
• You shall see Him face to face
• We must go where He leads to be able to see Him
Fled to Tell (fled from the sepulcher)
• They were admonish to go
• Spread the good news (gospel truth)
First seen by Mary (He appeared first…)
• Mary, delivered of 7 devils- From the depth of sin
• Personal acknowledgement- He calls our name. Is He Master?
Fellowship with Christ (they walked and went)
• Broke bread with them- social relationship
• Open the scripture with them- spiritual enlightenment
• Did not our heart burn within? – Sensing His presence
Faithlessness rebuked (upbraided them…)
• The frailty of humanity- the struggle with believing miracles.
• Rebukes are meant to strengthen. How do we accept rebukes?