Saturday, January 29, 2022

Complete in Christ

 Matt 19:21

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be complete (perfect), go and sell…

What do you possess that you are not willing to let go in order to be complete and whole in Christ? The call to follow Christ requires that we take up our cross and let go of those things that hold us back from fully serving Him. The scripture has many examples of those who held back, and did not gain entrance to eternal life. The love of money has kept many people from having eternal life, but money is not the only thing that keeps people from having eternal life. Eternal life is given to us only through Christ, and knowing Him is to follow Him in complete obedience to His word. We cannot be perfect or complete in Christ if we don’t have a heart single toward Him and Trust Him with our whole heart.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Look To Jesus

 Heb. 12:2
looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God
Jesus says, “Look to Me, faith in God begins with Me. Without Me there is no faith. I went to the cross on my own free will, gave my life for you, took on your sins and bore your shame. I now sit at the right hand of the my Father, making intercession for you, that you may not grow weary and lose heart during times of tribulation and suffering. I and the Author and finisher of your faith, I alone can save you and set you free from the bondage of sin. Look to me you sinners, for I came to save you. Believe in Me, trust Me with your life, give me your heart. I am the way, the truth, and life. There is no other name under heaven that can give new life. Look to Me and you will have eternal life, and dwell with me forever and ever.” 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Put On Love

Col 3:14

…In addition to all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.

Discord can happen between anyone who does not see things in the same way. Often conflict and division happens because of miscommunication or  someone’s actions that are perceived to be wrong or inappropriate. It is not always easy to just overlook things like this and act like everything is ok. Conflict in itself is not wrong, but allowing resentment and harvesting ill will toward others is not conducive to maintaining a close walk with God and seeking to be like Jesus. Paul recognized that we are human and our emotions can get the best of us. Putting on love is done with intentionality, in some cases it is an act of our will in spite of the circumstances. Love will seek resolution and unity. It will even work to love those who are our enemies and seek to destroy us. When love is put on between all involved it will be the perfect bond to keep us together in Christ.