Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I First Saw The Cross

1 Corinth 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who perish; but unto us who are saved, it is the power of God.”-

It was a just an old wooden altar in a small holiness church where I knelt to pray. It was where I first saw the cross and the light of God revealed to me the true meaning of his death and why He had to die. I grew up knowing that the cross has significant meaning and was a holy symbol of the church, but I was blinded to the realization that the cross was the power of God that could save me from my sins. It was not the church or a man behind a screen wall that was able to forgive me from my sins, It was  Jesus, the One who gave His life for me. The One who gave me a new life, the One that opened my eyes to the spiritual world. It has become the center theme of my life. Through Christ there is power to live a Christian life. Power to overcome the trails and temptation of life. Yes, even in the possibility of failure, there is power to forgive and restore. Power is not in the object of a cross, but in the One who was nailed to it. For those who are saved, it is the landmark and beginning of a journey that will lead to eternal life. Cease the power, through the cross.