Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Heart of Thanksgiving

1 Thess. 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”-

 To give thanks is to express gratitude in every things in life. Not always an easy things to do when all seems to be going wrong. The key word in this passage is “in” and not “for”. When we face things in life that are unpleasant, we trust God that He will be glorified. We give thanks that God has all things in control and it will all work out to His purpose. For this we are thankful. In spite of all the bad things that can happen, the heart of thanksgiving finds those things that are good. When we find ourselves complaining about life, we need to stop and consider all the blessings that Christ has bestowed on us. His blood that was shed for our sins, His grace that extends beyond what we deserve. He is God and is worthy of our praise and thanksgiving. This day Lord, we offer up our sacrifice of praise, and give you thanks for your love and mercy. Praise His name, for He is God and worthy to be praised!