Sunday, December 30, 2012

Admonitions for the New Year

 Admonitions for the New Year

Philippians 4

Ten Admonition of the Lord

1. Stand Fast in the Lord

In the face of difficult times, hold steady

Hold on to the promise of God’s Word

2. Rejoice in the Lord

Overcome by rejoicing and praising God

Rejoice that your name is written in the Book of Life

3. Do all things in Moderation

The Balance life is to do all to the Glory of God

Conduct your life is a way that you reflect the image of Christ

4. Fret not- Don’t worry about “things”

Be anxious for nothing. Human nature is concern about human comforts

That “problem” you face? Let go and let God have it. “Fear not”

5. Pray that God will supply all your needs

Bring your request to God and trust Him to supply your needs

Ask anything in my name. He knows what is best.

6. Keep your mind and thoughts pure

The thermometer that guides your conduct in whatever you do.

“Let this mind be in you that is also in Christ Jesus”- 

7. Apply God’s Word to your life- Doer of the Word

Read the Word of God not only for inspiration, but for practical living

Let the Holy Spirit apply the truth to your heart, and follow.

8. Be content with your station in life

Understand, Life is a rollercoaster- Be prepared to make adjustments

If you are living in the will of God, be at peace with your situation

Happiness is an attitude. Attitude is a choice. 

Don’t let circumstances dictate your happiness

Contentment is gained when we put our trust in Christ to accept our circumstances

9. Don’t be a pessimist – Approach challenges in your life with confidence.  “I CAN”

Godly attitude will focus on what you Can do, and not “I Can’t”

God does use your strengths, but only when then are submitted to Him

In our weakness, He is made strong. Give Him glory.

10. Give liberally to the cause of Christ.

God does not need your money. He is the giver of all things

God has chosen through the sacrifice of giving to spread the Gospel

We miss a blessing from God, when we fail to help others or support those who are willing to give of their time to spread the gospel.

God’s Promises

  1. He will supply all our needs
  2. The Peace of God will be given to you
  3. God Peace will be with you
  4. He will keep your heart and mind
  5. He will give us the strength to do His will- we can overcome any obstacle or adversity.
  6. The grace of God will be with you. The favor of God. He will always be at your disposal when you need Him the most.