Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Hindrances to the Race

 Feb. 26th, 2012 pm

The Hindrances to the Race.

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrew:12:1-2

Admonition is to the believers. To those who have found forgiveness through the shed blood of Christ on the Cross. Born again, new babes in Christ.

We witness the faith of those who have gone before us that they dared to believe God in spite of the circumstance.

We also have those who are now witnessing or watching us press toward the prize that is set before us. 


The cloud of witnesses are those who have gone before us watching and cheering us on so that we do not give up and persevere to finish the race.

How important it is that we show the way for those who are watching- 


Knowing that the torch of faith has been passed on to us, we don’t want to disappoint those who were willing to die for the faith.

Let us “lay aside” the Greek word:  Apo Pithimi.  Means to put away- to place or lay something down. The implication is to be far from you, leave it alone, have nothing more to do with it. 

The Weights: Ogkos- a burden, something heavy that impedes progress.

What weights impede you from going all out for Christ?

What keeps you from being a Spirit filled Christian?

Bad attitudes, self-gratification, critical spirit, foolish pride, ego, selfishness, lack of temperance, reckless behavior, carnal anger, fear & timidity to share the gospel, worldly pleasures that cause leanness of heart, uncooperative spirit, unwillingness to prefer others before you.

The Sin- singular, could be the one thing that always trips you up, or it also could imply THEE SIN- the carnal nature that wars inside the heart vying for your attention, always wanting to have its own way.

The theologian, John Wesley speaks of it as the sin of our constitution. That which always brings us down to defeat. 

The Race- The Christian walk or journey is given the analogy of running a race, a marathon with a prize to be awarded for completing the race. RUN with patience (long suffering, endurance, perseverance, through all trials and tribulations) 

Looking to Jesus- It is only through the Cross and the Holy Spirit that He promised that we are able to complete this race. Keep your eyes on the goal. He sees the race from start to finish. He knows the obstacles that you will be facing. Keep your eyes steadfast on Him. 

The Price has already been paid- He went to the cross, took on us the sin of us all. The remedy for SIN has been provided. We just must avail ourselves to the grace he provides by shedding the weights that hinder us from achieving the finish line.