Sunday, February 7, 2010

God's Anointed

1 Samuel16:1-13

Controlled By God

  • Kingships and governments are part of His Sovereignty
  • Saul no longer fit to rule God’s people

Chooses To Let Go

  • Provision for King found in Deut. 17:14-20
  • Samuel needed to let go of the past- look to the future
  • Samuel’s reluctance- Feared for his life- needed assurance.
  • Samuel followed his own advise- better to obey—Than
  • God sees the forest when we often only see the tree in front.

Coming To Bethlehem

  • To the house of Jesse- Grandson son of Boaz- Line of Christ
  • To make Sacrifice- The exact truth
  • Seems that God approved of holding back information.
  • False guilt and how do you deal with it.
  • The people had some “guilt” Why are they afraid of Samuel?

Countenance Of Men

  • Eliab “looked” like a man of strength. Much like Saul
  • He follows all the rule and “lines up”
  • A person’s true character does not lay in his appearance
  • But, how important is appearance. Does it matter to God?
  • God who knows the heart- Yes, the good and bad.
  • God did not reject the sons, they were just not chosen to serve

Called From The Pasture

  • Samuel was frustrated- He knew that God lead him there
  • David, too young to be considered was ignored
  • God often uses small things to accomplish His will
  • Samuel was determine to exhausts all possibilities
  • We often give up to quickly when things don’t go right.

Chosen of God

  • David had a beautiful countenance- Fair to look upon
  • He had the look of innocence and trust
  • Samuel had to doubt. This is He. The glow of God on David
  • David- A man after God’s own heart.
  • May God see in our heart a pure desire to serve Him
  • Be anointed for service in His Kingdom