Sunday, September 28, 2008

Israel Restored

Isaiah 62:1-12

As we look ahead to things that are yet to come, we find hope in knowing that Christ will someday rule over all earthly kingdoms. He shall reign forever and forever! And those who have been redeemed by his precious blood, washed and made clean will come to Zion singing, the song of the redeemed. Until then, let us remain diligent and watchful lest we find ourselves without a song to sing.

Righteousness Rules- righteousness goes forth

  • God’s Objective- His People (Jews) will lead
  • The People of God are a light shining in darkness

Renewed in Christ – a new name

  • Exalted with Christ- as father Abraham is the bossom..
  • We are given a new start- know by others as –a new man
  • Things are different now- a changed life

Royal Diadem – royal diadem in the hand of the Lord

  • We our the precious jewel in his hand
  • God’s handiwork- God said, “it is good”

Rejoicing of God – God rejoice over thee

  • Parallel- Christ and the bride
  • The joy of the bridegroom over his bride
  • ·Marriage supper of the lamb

Reign of Christ –till he establish-arms of His strength

  • God will set his watchman to guard against the evil
  • There will be no rest or ceasing to watch until all is safe
  • His kingdom will be established- His promises is true

Return to Zion – go through the gates

  • The gathering of God people back to Jerusalem
  • The people of God from all times will return
  • Spiritual return to Christ- Leave your sin- clear the way

Reward of God- his reward is with him

  • A reward to them that diligently seek him

Redeemed of the Lord- They shall be called the redeemed

  • Once forsaken and desolate- Mercy of God to remember
  • Sought out by the Holy Spirit
  • Called unto holiness

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Delight in the Lord

Isaiah 58:6-14

“It is not until we are willing to put away our own desires and self-satisfaction, that we truly begin to know the joys of service God. Delighting in the Lord begins by putting God first in everything we do. Reaching out to help others, letting our joy be spilled out and overflowing, touching lives for God. God promises us many reward if we follow his commands and live a life that will honor Him."

Welfare of Others- undo the heavy burden

  • What is true religion?
  • Jesus was a servant, not a an oppressor
  • Sensitive to the needs of others- If thy brother be naked
  • Let us do good unto all men- Especially unto…

Works are Essential – dealing bread to the hungry

  • Show me your faith by your works
  • Faith without works is dead faith

Wealth of Rewards – glory of the Lord shall be thy reward

  • God’s light shines on those who give of themselves
  • God will see your good works as righteousness
  • The approbation of God- His approval- Well done..

Watered Garden – thou shall be like a watered garden

  • Your soul will be satisfied when life get tough
  • Your life will show forth contentment- delight
  • Jesus said, “Well of water springing forth”

Wasted Places Rebuilt –the repairer of the breach

  • God desires to use us to restore others back to God
  • Built the altars once again- Revival of Prayer
  • Dig the wells that have been filled- Remove the clutter

Worship on the Sabbath – Shall honor Him

  • Negative- Turn away from your own pleasures
  • Positive- Honor Him- focus on Christ
  • Is your Sabbath a delight or duty?

Word of the Lord has Spoken-the Lord hath spoken it.

  • The Lord will lift you up and make you victorious
  • He will provide and sustain you- Establish you goings
  • God will honor and bless you for honoring His Day
  • There is no question about it. God said t!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gracious Invitation

Isaiah 55:1-11

“The windows of heaven are open, The blessings are falling tonight; There's joy, joy, joy in my heart, Since Jesus made everything right; I gave Him my old tattered garment, He gave me a robe of pure white; I'm feasting on manna from heaven And that's why I'm happy tonight”. What better chorus illustrates what God desires for you and me. The Invitation is given to all who desire the water and bread of life. Let us stop and turn our hearts toward Him for He will satisfy the desires of our heart.

Thirst for God- every on that thirsteth

  • Desire more of God
  • Panting after God- Fulfilled, but still desire
  • Water that springs from within- Living water

Taste of the Lord - eat ye that which is good

  • He is the bread of Life- Will satisfy the hunger
  • The world will not bring any satisfaction
  • Feasting on manna from heaven

Tune Your Ears - incline your ears

  • Stop and listen to what God has to say
  • Get in tune – harmony with God
  • Listen- He is wanting to give you a promise

Testimony of God – for a witness for the people

  • He gave of his son to be a witness
  • God is willing and wanting to pardon
  • Jesus our leader- He will show the way to truth
  • Jesus our commander- He will direct our path

Turn Back to God –let him return unto the Lord

  • Seeking God- The Spirit draws- will not always strive
  • Turn from the sinful life-
  • Your thoughts- a man thinks so he is.
  • Out of the Heart of Men- evil thoughts of…
  • The mercy of God to pardon

Thoughts of God – my thought are not your thoughts

  • What does God think of you?
  • Thought of peace, not of evil
  • Let this mind (Thoughts), be also in you

Times of Blessings-the rain cometh down

  • There shall be showers of blessings
  • God will deliver, no power on earth can stop Him
  • More than just physical suffering

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Suffering Savior

Isaiah 53: 1-12
God, who loved this world, was willing to let His son come to earth and take on the form of man. Knowing that His son would suffer a cruel death on a rugged cross, God the Father released His son into the hands of cruel and hateful men. In spite of their hatred, Christ laid His life down to suffer and die for sinful man. The Suffering Christ made it possible for you and me to be reconciled and redeemed. It was through his suffering that we our made whole, whereby we cry “Abba Father”

Report of a Savior- Who hath believed our report

  • By Faith they looked for the day to come
  • That God would send His son to take away our sins

Reaching Arms of God- arm of the Lord revealed

  • He will make Himself know to those who believe
  • God’s arm will reach around the world- Salvation for all

Root in the desert- root out of dry land

  • Royal line of David was buried
  • His physical appearance was common
  • His beauty was within- tender plant

Rejected & Despised of Men – He was despised and rejected

  • He was hated of men and dismissed as a mere carpenter
  • A man who identified with suffering
  • Who is will to take up his cross and follow?

Redeemed Through His Blood with His strips we our healed

  • Wounded for our committed sins
  • Bruised for our sin nature- we were born in iniquity
  • God laid on Him all of our sin(s)

Repudiated by His Own – He was afflicted, lamb to slaughter

  • They led Him to the cross, as lamb is led for sacrifice
  • He laid down His life willing
  • Forsaken by all- cut off from the living

Righteous Servant-righteous servant justify many

  • Fulfilled the will of Jehovah
  • He who knew no sin, became sin for us
  • More than just physical suffering

Risk All for the World- he bares the sin of many

  • Poured out his soul unto death
  • Numbered with the transgressors
  • Interceded for sinful man